SHIELD: Quality Review Center
Dedicated for Excellence

To become a top-notch review center that will help develop honest, knowledgeable, confident and God-fearing nurses for the world.


Shield Review Center, will equip nurses with professional competency through quality and affordable review program.


Shield Review Center, will individually monitor and evaluate nursing graduates balanced examination performance.


Please refer to Review Program for more details.

Our comprehensive review course is focused equally on traditional and current important concepts within the scope of the examination for the practice of nursing.

Our simplified lectures emphasize on “must-know” nursing concepts needed to pass the board exam.

These interesting, exciting and lively discussions and lectures are delivered by highly competitive and top-notch professors with theoretical knowledge and clinical experience.

We provide comprehensive test questions that are frequently and repeatedly asked from previous board examinations with corresponding interactive rationalizations.

With the present change in the manner of board exam questioning, we have also updated our review materials and exam question simulations to adopt and meet the evolving standards given by the board of nursing.

We monitor students and their performance on these practice exams to individually identify their weak points. We will strengthen these weak areas by giving special focus group discussion that will reinforce their learning.